NAMAH 2.0: Certificate Course on Mental Health, Resilience, and Well-being for Healthcare Providers
National Alliance for Mental Health Assistance for Healthcare Providers (NAMAH)
Why This Course?
To enrich our lives through case-based learning, where we discuss real-world challenges and opportunities encountered by doctors, providing valuable insights from their personal experiences that resonate with all of us.
Learning Objectives
- Discuss factors impacting mental wellness among healthcare professionals
- Recognize and implement strategies for personal and professional resilience
- Identify and incorporate key skills to cope with challenges
- Incorporate self-awareness and self-monitoring in daily practice
- Provide initial support for common mental health concerns
- Demonstrate skills in providing peer support and referral pathways
Course Structure
Weekly live tele-ECHO Sessions: Every Wednesday, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
- Introduction and Updates (5 minutes)
- Didactic Session (20 minutes)
- Slido Quiz (15 minutes)
- Case scenario Presentations and discussion (45 minutes)
- Anonymous Feedback (5 minutes)
Course Components
- Duration: 3 months (February to May 2025)
- Live Sessions: 12 weekly tele-ECHO sessions
- E-Learning: Self-paced content via elearn.vknnimhans.in
- Assessments: Two online assignments and pre/post tests
- Case Presentation: One mandatory case scenario presentation
Digital Platforms
- Live tele-ECHO sessions via Zoom Healthcare
- E-learning platform: elearn.vknnimhans.in (web and mobile apps available)
- Case submissions through HIPAA-compliant Jotform
- Interactive engagement using Slido
- Session management through iECHO.org
Certification Requirements
- 75% attendance with video presence (minimum 9 out of 12 sessions)
- 60 minutes minimum video presence per session
- Completion of one scenario presentation
- Two assignments with minimum 75% score
- Completion of pre-test and post-test
Important Dates
Event | Date |
Course Start | 12th February 2025 |
Assignment I | March 22nd - 24th 2025 |
Assignment II | April 12th - 14th 2025 |
Course End | 30th April 2025 |
More details https://vkn.nimhansdigitalacademy.in/NAMAH_2_0
This program is supported by an independent education grant from Mylan Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. - A Viatris Company
For any queries, please contact Chief Course cooridantor : tejdeepika@vknnimhans.in
- Teacher: Manjunatha B R
- Teacher: Prabhat Chand
- Teacher: Bee fathima
- Teacher: Jayant Mahadevan
- Teacher: venkata lakshmi narasimha
- Teacher: Nahma Poozhikuth
- Teacher: Tej Deepika R
- Teacher: Abhishek Kumar Sharma
- Teacher: Akshita Verma

This professional development program titled NAMHA (National Assistance in Mental Health for Health Providers and Administrator) is a journey for each of us to enhance happiness and cultivate resilience. This programme will be a learning experience of the real challenges and opportunities that we all encounter in our lives. Resilience is your well of inner resourcefulness that allows you to sustain yourself through whatever difficulties and challenges you encounter. It is strengthened by connection, flexibility, perseverance, self-regulation, positivity, and self-care.
Program Goals and Objectives:
1. Recognize the factors that help build resilience among healthcare professionals
2. To integrate happiness-enhancing strategies in daily life
3. To construct a personalized plan to integrate the same into personal life
More details : https://vkn.nimhansdigitalacademy.in/NAMHA- Facilitators: ADITHYA ANEESH
- Facilitators: Manjunatha B R
- Facilitators: venkataraya bhandary
- Facilitators: Prabhat Chand
- Facilitators: Jayant Mahadevan
- Facilitators: venkata lakshmi narasimha
- Facilitators: Nidhi Parate