Welcome😀 (CAM Oct 21-Sept 22)
- This is learning repository for Trainees, Residents, Faculty and staff working at Centre for Addiction Medicine
- The access will be during the duration of posting at Centre for Addiction Medicine.
- This also will have materials for weekly academic of CAM
- Please use hyperlink for uploading rather than full material in view of space constraint in cloud.
- Teacher: Prabhat Chand
- Teacher: Deepak Ghadigaonkar
- Teacher: Shyam Kanagarajan
- Teacher: Arun Kandasamy
- Teacher: Abhishek Khatri
- Teacher: Jayant Mahadevan
- Teacher: Diptadhi Mukherjee
- Teacher: Sanchitha R
- Teacher: Darshan S
- Teacher: Monisha S
- Teacher: Prakrithi Shivaprakash
- Teacher: Lekhansh Shukla
- Teacher: Gaurav Kumar Singh
- Teacher: Rahul Verma
Skill Level: Beginner