NAMAH 2.0: Certificate Course on Mental Health, Resilience, and Well-being for Healthcare Providers
National Alliance for Mental Health Assistance for Healthcare Providers (NAMAH)
Why This Course?
To enrich our lives through case-based learning, where we discuss real-world challenges and opportunities encountered by doctors, providing valuable insights from their personal experiences that resonate with all of us.
Learning Objectives
- Discuss factors impacting mental wellness among healthcare professionals
- Recognize and implement strategies for personal and professional resilience
- Identify and incorporate key skills to cope with challenges
- Incorporate self-awareness and self-monitoring in daily practice
- Provide initial support for common mental health concerns
- Demonstrate skills in providing peer support and referral pathways
Course Structure
Weekly live tele-ECHO Sessions: Every Wednesday, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
- Introduction and Updates (5 minutes)
- Didactic Session (20 minutes)
- Slido Quiz (15 minutes)
- Case scenario Presentations and discussion (45 minutes)
- Anonymous Feedback (5 minutes)
Course Components
- Duration: 3 months (February to May 2025)
- Live Sessions: 12 weekly tele-ECHO sessions
- E-Learning: Self-paced content via elearn.vknnimhans.in
- Assessments: Two online assignments and pre/post tests
- Case Presentation: One mandatory case scenario presentation
Digital Platforms
- Live tele-ECHO sessions via Zoom Healthcare
- E-learning platform: elearn.vknnimhans.in (web and mobile apps available)
- Case submissions through HIPAA-compliant Jotform
- Interactive engagement using Slido
- Session management through iECHO.org
Certification Requirements
- 75% attendance with video presence (minimum 9 out of 12 sessions)
- 60 minutes minimum video presence per session
- Completion of one scenario presentation
- Two assignments with minimum 75% score
- Completion of pre-test and post-test
Important Dates
Event | Date |
Course Start | 12th February 2025 |
Assignment I | March 22nd - 24th 2025 |
Assignment II | April 12th - 14th 2025 |
Course End | 30th April 2025 |
More details https://vkn.nimhansdigitalacademy.in/NAMAH_2_0
This program is supported by an independent education grant from Mylan Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. - A Viatris Company
For any queries, please contact Chief Course cooridantor : tejdeepika@vknnimhans.in
- Teacher: Manjunatha B R
- Teacher: Prabhat Chand
- Teacher: Bee fathima
- Teacher: Jayant Mahadevan
- Teacher: venkata lakshmi narasimha
- Teacher: Nahma Poozhikuth
- Teacher: Tej Deepika R
- Teacher: Akshita Verma
Skill Level: Advanced